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Session 10 ·

Supporting patients and clinicians in monitoring and reviewing treatments

Research focus
Mobile and web features that support tracking and reviewing multiple treatments
Participant focus
People living with long term health conditions, and clinicians with experience in primary care in the UK
In session 10 we spoke with people living with long term health conditions, and clinicians with experience in primary care in the UK to inform features to support tracking and reviewing multiple treatments.

We asked people living with long term health conditions and clinicians in the UK about their experience starting treatments and reviewing treatments over time. We found that treatment review is often initiated by patients, discussed verbally and that there isn’t a structured process for initiating or recording a treatment review. People living with long term conditions mentioned they are unsure if and when their treatment will be reviewed and that managing multiple treatments can be challenging.

We asked participants for their thoughts about monitoring and reviewing treatments in Fora Health. People living with long term conditions reacted positively to having a structured treatment review in Fora Health and thought it could improve communication with their care team. Clinicians in primary care supported structured treatment reviews, but would need to manage any automated treatment review in line with their existing limited bandwidth.