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Good decisions involve the patient

You can only make the best decisions for your patients if you make those decisions with them.

Shared decision-making is a best-practice approach to involving patients in their own care. Fora Health is making it easy to bring these practices and make them a part of routine patient care.

How it works

All shared healthcare decisions involve 4 main steps. Here’s how Fora Health helps your patients get the most of each decision with you.

We make sure that your patients understand their options and are ready to discuss them with their care teams.
Fora Health provides the patient and care teams with the tools they need to make and document a shared decision.
After a decision, we make sure the patient understands and can adjust to the decision.
We provide the tools to evaluate whether the decision is having the desired effect.

Treatment options

Which treatment?

When deciding on a new treatment, Fora Health helps the patient understand their options, think about their preferences.

After deciding, Fora Health helps the patient understand and adjust to their new treatment.

A bar chart illustrating that about 75 out of a 100 people (75%) feel better within about 6 months of SSRI treatment for depression An example of a list of preferences provided by a patient about potential treatments for their depression.

Treatment review

Stop, adjust, or switch?

Fora Health helps patients evaluate the treatments they're on and review them.

A chat bubble asking "How have you felt about your medication treatment in the last 2 months?" A multiple choice card with the option "Somewhat helpful" selected


Specialised and autonomous workflows for every patient

Fora Health's pathways are expertly designed and validated to improve the decision making for a variety of preference-sensitive treatment areas. They are adaptive to every patient’s unique situation, and also configurable to fit your clinical workflows.

Patients can be assigned to a pathway in a single click, allowing Fora Health to faciliate the shared decision-making process for that specific condition, enabling you to focus on your patients needs.

  • Depression
    Target patients
    Living with depression
    Target clinical audience
    Primary care, behavioural health, community health workers
    Clinical access
    Secure web access + EPIC integration
    Several pilot deployments in US
  • Rare disease
    Target patients
    Patient with Lysosomal Storage Disorder (Gaucher’s / MPS II) and their caregivers
    Target clinical audience
    Secondary pediatric care, wider healthcare professionals
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Pilot deployment in US
  • Oncology
    Target patients
    Individuals eligible for cancer screening
    Target clinical audience
    Primary and secondary care
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Demo built - ready for pilot partner use
  • Polypharmacy and antipsychotics
    Target patients
    Adolescent patients with polypharmacy or off-label use of antipsychotics and their caregivers
    Target clinical audience
    Secondary pediatric care, wider healthcare professionals
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Pilot deployment in US planned for 2023
  • Heart health
    Target patients
    Leaving hospital following myocardial infarction
    Target clinical audience
    Primary and secondary care
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Design, scoping and user research complete - ready for implementation and pilot partner use
  • Bipolar disorder
    Target patients
    Patients living with bipolar disorder
    Target clinical audience
    Primary and secondary care
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Scoping underway with research funding grant in process with academic and clinical partners and the UK
  • Multiple long term conditions
    Target patients
    Patient living with depression and additional chronic conditions
    Target clinical audience
    Primary care
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Scoping underway with research funding grant applications in progress
  • Women's health
    Target patients
    Patients concerned with symptoms and treatments for range of women’s health conditions
    Target clinical audience
    Primary care
    Clinical access
    Secure web access
    Scoping underway with research funding grant applications in progress


Every patient is different

No two patients are the same, and Fora Health adapts to each patient, whether it's over a range of conditions, languages, or abilities.

A chart showing the progress of a patient's 'low energy' and 'feeling depressed' health concerns. A chat bubble saying 'You mentioned these health concerns were affecting you yesterday.' A chat bubble saying 'I’d like to check on how you’re feeling today!
Adaptable to your clinical and patient needs

You can be confident that our decision-making pathways reflect best practices.

Where your organisation has additional requirements, Fora Health can be configured to both your clinical workflows and the needs of your patients.

An example navigation link labeled "Treatment options" An example navigation link labeled "Treatment review" in a selected state An example navigation link labeled "Monitoring" that is translucent and set back from the other links An example navigation link labeled "Enrolment"


From externally validated sources

We collaborate with our content partners to deliver validated guides, aids, and measures in a user-friendly way, as well as open sources for validated patient reported outcome measures (PROMs).

EBSCO logo Cognition Kit logo Cognitant logo


A wide selection of flexible and modular tools

New features

Fora Health Labs

Our new features are available as part of the Fora Health Labs program. Get in touch to try out our new features in incorporating Large Language Models into shared-decision making and patient education, and be at the forefront of new healthcare technologies.

An new feature that uses a large language model to create suggestions for a care team member An LLM-enabled question and answer conversation with Fora Health
Labs features
Ask Fora Health
Answering questions about treatments and conditions using a Large Language Model, backed by an extensive library of trusted information.
Using AI to suggest actions to providers and navigate through Fora Health, based on individual patient profiles.
AI-powered conversations
Helping patients express their interests in different treatment options to their provider through a natural conversation with Fora Health.


Fora Health integrates with other products to provide a seamless care journey

Get in touch